Research interests

Diversity patterns at large scale

With a taxonomic focus on vascular plants, I am interested in patterns of biodiversity facets (taxonomic, functional, phylogenetic) across scales as well as their environmental drivers.

Modified from Denelle et al. (2023)

Selected publications

Denelle et al. (2023) Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14:2738–2748. |

Taylor et al. (2023) New Phytologist, 240:1548-1560. |

Cai et al. (2023) New Phytologist, 237:1432-1445. |

Community assembly

Species observed at the local scale are a small subset of a larger regional species pool. Using process-based models and empirical data, I am interested in unraveling the various processes that filter the arrival and establishment of species at the local scale.

Community assembly model

Selected publications

Denelle et al. (2019) Oikos, 128:960-971. | DDI

Munoz et al. (2018) Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9:693–703. |

Functional diversity

Along with taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity, functional diversity is the third facet of biodiversity. I am interested in developing metrics to calculate and estimate functional diversity, as well as in empirical patterns.

Modified from Grenié et al. (2017)

Selected publications

Barajas-Barbosa et al. (2023) Nature 619:545–550. |

Grenié et al. (2017) Diversity and Distributions, 23:1365-1371.|

Mouillot et al. (2021) Ecology Letters, 24:1988-2009. |


Across scales, species cluster into distinct taxonomic units called bioregions. There are many methods for doing this, and we have recently developed a tool that incorporates most of the existing bioregionalization techniques.

Modified from Denelle et al. (2024)

Selected publications

Denelle et al. (2024) Methods in Ecology and Evolution. |