R packages/applications

R packages

R packages provide ready-to-use toolkits for the scientific community. Here is a list of R packages I have authored or contributed to:

Name CRAN version Description
funrar 1.5.0 Compute functional rarity indices (see more at https://rekyt.github.io/funrar/)
ecolottery 1.0.0 Community assembly model using coalescent theory, neutral and deterministic processes
GIFT 1.3.3 Access the Global Inventory of Floras and Traits (GIFT) database (see more at https://biogeomacro.github.io/GIFT/)
bioregion 1.2.0 Workflow to perform a bioregionalization analysis (see more at https://biorgeo.github.io/bioregion/)

Shiny applications

Shiny applications are interactive web applications that can, among other things, improve the visualization of results or provide a nice interface to practice specific knowledge.
Below is a list of Shiny applications I have authored:

1. Trait-environment relationships in grassland plants.
Associated publication:

2. Bioregionalization of French vegetation.
Associated publication (in French) here.

3. Application to test and train botanical knowledge.
Associated publication:

4. Conservation priorities across New Guinea.
Associated article in revision.