

27. Denelle, P., Leroy, B., Lenormand, M. Bioregionalization analyses with the bioregion R-package. arXiv:2404.15300.

26. Bellard, C., Marino, C., Butt, N., Fernández-Palacios, J.-M., Rigal, F., Robuchon, M., Lenoir, J., Irl, S., Benítez-López, A., Capdevila, P., Zhu, G., Caetano, G., Denelle, P., Philippe-Lesaffre, M., Schipper, A., Foden, W., Kissling, D., Leclerc, C. A framework to quantify the vulnerability of insular biota to global change. ⟨hal-04550966⟩.


25. Barajas-Barbosa, P., Craven, D., Weigelt, P., Denelle, P., Otto, R., Díaz, S., Price, J., Fernández-Palacios, JM., Kreft, H. Assembly of functional diversity in an oceanic island flora. Nature 619, 545–550.

24. Munoz, F., Klausmeier, C.A., Gaüzère, P., Kandlikar, G., Litchman, E., Mouquet, N. Ostling, A., Thuiller, W., Algar, A.C., Auber, A., Cadotte, M.W., Delalandre, L., Denelle, P., Enquist, B.J., Fortunel, C., Grenié, M., Loiseau, N., Mahaut, L., Maire, A., Mouillot, D., Pimiento, C., Violle, C., Kraft, N.J.B. The ecological causes of functional distinctiveness in communities. Ecology Letters, 26, 1452–1465.

23. Mahaut, L., Choler, P., Denelle, P., Garnier, E., Thuiller, W., Kattge, J., Lemauviel-Lavenant, S., Lavorel, S., Munoz, F., Renard, D., Serra-Diaz, J M., Viovy, N., & Violle, C. Trade-offs and synergies between ecosystem productivity and stability in temperate grasslands. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32, 561–572.

22. Cutts, V., Hanz, D.M., Barajas-Barbosa, M.P., Schrodt, F., Steinbauer, M.J., Beierkuhnlein, C., Denelle, P., Fernández-Palacios, J.M., Gaüzère, P., Grenié, M., Irl, S.D.H., Kraft, N., Kreft, H., Maitner, B., Munoz, F., Thuiller, W., Violle, C., Weigelt, P., Field, R. Algar, A.C. Links to rare climates do not translate into distinct traits for island endemics. Ecology Letters, 26, 504–515.

21. Taylor, A., Weigelt, P., Denelle, P., Cai, L. and Kreft, H., The contribution of plant life and growth forms to global gradients of vascular plant diversity. New Phytologist, 240: 1548-1560.

20. Cai, L., Kreft, H., Taylor, A., Denelle, P., Schrader, J., Essl, F., van Kleunen, M., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Stein, A., Winter, M., Barcelona, J.F., Fuentes, N., Inderjit, , Karger, D.N., Kartesz, J., Kuprijanov, A., Nishino, M., Nickrent, D., Nowak, A., Patzelt, A., Pelser, P.B., Singh, P., Wieringa, J.J. and Weigelt, P., Global models and predictions of plant diversity based on advanced machine learning techniques. New Phytologist, 237: 1432-1445.

19. Denelle, P., Weigelt, P., & Kreft, H. GIFT—An R package to access the Global Inventory of Floras and Traits. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14, 2738–2748.

18. Gaüzère, P., Blonder, B., Denelle, P., Fournier, B., Grenié, M., Delalandre, L., Münkemüller, T., Munoz, F., Violle, C. and Thuiller, W., The functional trait distinctiveness of plant species is scale dependent. Ecography, e06504.


17. Ferreira-Arruda, T., Guerrero-Ramírez, N., Denelle, P., Weigelt, P., Kleyer, M., Kreft, H. Island area and historical geomorphological dynamics shape multifaceted diversity of barrier island floras. Ecography,e06238.

16. Delalandre, L., Gaüzère, P., Thuiller, W., Cadotte, M., Mouquet, N., Mouillot, D., Munoz F., Denelle, P., Loiseau, N., Morin, X., Violle, C. Functionally distinct tree species support long-term productivity in extreme environments. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 289,20211694.

15. Préau, C., Dubos, N., Lenormand, M., Denelle, P., Le Louarn, M., Alleaume, S., Luque, S. Dispersal-based species pools as sources of connectivity area mismatches. Landscape Ecology, 37, 729-743.


14. Mouillot, D., Loiseau, N., Grenié, M., Algar, A., Allegra, M., Cadotte, M., Casajus, N., Denelle, P., Guéguen, M, Maire, A., Maitner, M., McGill, B., McLean, M., Mouquet, N., Munoz, F., Thuiller, W., Villéger, S., Violle, C., Auber, A. The dimensionality and structure of species trait spaces. Ecology Letters, 24,1988-2009.

13. Dubos, N., Préau, C., Lenormand, M., Papuga, G., Montsarrat, S., Denelle, P., Le Louarn, M., Heremans, S., Roel, M., Roche, P., Luque, S. Assessing the effect of sample bias correction in species distribution models. Ecological Indicators, 145, 109487.

12. Weigelt, P., Denelle, P., Brambach, F. & Kreft, H. BotanizeR: A flexible R package with Shiny app to practice plant identification for online teaching and beyond. Plants, People, Planet, 4,122-127.

11. Bourgeois, B., Munoz, F., Gaba, S., Denelle, P., Fried, G., Storkey, J. & Violle, C. Functional biogeography of weeds reveal how anthropogenic management blurs trait-climate relationships. Journal of Vegetation Science, 32, e12999.


10. Denelle, P., Violle, C. & Munoz, F. General plants are more competitive and more functionally similar to each other than specialist plants: insights from network analyses. Journal of Biogeography, 47, 1922-1933.


9. Barnagaud, J.Y., Mazet, N., Munoz, F., Grenié, M., Denelle, P., Sobral, M., Kissling, D., Sekercioglu, C. & Violle, C. The worldwide bird functional spectrum. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 28, 1004-1017.

8. Denelle, P., Violle, C. & Munoz, F. Distinguishing the signatures of environmental filtering and trait range limits in the study of trait-environment relationships. Oikos, 128, 960-971.


7. Bourgeois, B., Munoz, F., Fried, G., Gaba, S., Mahaut, L., Bretagnolle, V., Denelle, P., Storkey, J. & Violle, C. What makes a weed a weed? Towards a functional characterization. American Journal of Botany, 106, 90-100.

6. Grenié, M., Mouillot, D., Villéger, S., Denelle, P., Tucker, C.M., Munoz, F. & Violle, C. Functional rarity of coral reef fishes at the global scale: Hotspots and challenges for conservation. Biological Conservation, 226, 288–299.

5. Munoz, F., Grenié, M., Denelle, P., Taudière, A., Laroche, F., Tucker, C. & Violle, C. ecolottery: Simulating and assessing community assembly with environmental filtering and neutral dynamics in R. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9, 693–703.


4. Grenié, M., Denelle, P., Tucker, C.M., Munoz, F. & Violle, C. funrar: An R package to characterize functional rarity. Diversity and Distributions, 23, 1365-1371.

3. Borgy, B., Violle, C., Choler, P., Denelle, P., Munoz, F., Kattge, J., Lavorel, S., Loranger, J., Amiaud, B., Bahn, M., van Bodegom, P.M., Brisse, H., Debarros, G., Diquelou, S., Gachet, S., Jolivet, C., Lemauviel-Lavenant, S., Mikolajczak, A., Olivier, J., Ordoñez, J., de Ruffray, P., Viovy, N. & Garnier, E. Plant community structure and nitrogen inputs modulate the climate signal on leaf traits. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 26, 1138–1152.

2. Borgy, B., Violle, C., Choler, P., Garnier, E., Kattge, J., Loranger, J., Amiaud, B., Cellier, P., Debarros, G., Denelle, P., Diquelou, S., Gachet, S., Jolivet, C., Lavorel, S., Lemauviel-Lavenant, S., Mikolajczak, A., Munoz, F., Olivier, J. & Viovy, N. Sensitivity of community-level trait–environment relationships to data representativeness: A test for functional biogeography. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 26, 729–739.

1. Allen, K.A., Denelle, P., Ruiz, F.M.S., Santana, V.M. & Marrs, R.H. Prescribed moorland burning meets good practice guidelines: A monitoring case study using aerial photography in the Peak District, UK. Ecological Indicators, 62, 76–85.